
Tuesday, October 25, 2011


太安堂发债获批 本报讯 太安堂(002433)今日公告称,公司于2011年10月25日收到中国证监会关于核准公司公开发行公司债券的批复,核准公司向社会公开发行 面值不超过3.9亿元的公司债券,批复自核准发行之日起6个月内有效。(刘 燕) 免责 ... 太安堂发债获批


华菱钢铁告别 本报讯 (记者张奕)在执掌华菱12年后,李效伟于25日主动请辞华菱集团党组书记、董事长职务,华菱钢铁现任总经理曹慧泉将出任华菱集团党组书记,并成为华菱钢铁集团董事长人选和湖南华菱钢铁股份有限公司董事长人选 ... 华菱钢铁告别"李效伟时代"

Chukyo TV analyst and Azuma

Chukyo TV analyst and Azuma NTV announcer Kenichiro Tanabe (33) is the agency based in Nagoya Chukyo TV announcer Emi Azuma (28) was married on January 26, released by NTV. Tanabe Anna through the agency "to carefully cultivate sensitivity to each other, and if building a home full of smiles Ikere" and ...Chukyo TV analyst and Azuma

Huracán Rina: declaran en alerta a pequeños poblados del Caribe de México

Huracán Rina: declaran en alerta a pequeños poblados del Caribe de México El estado mexicano de Quintana Roo (este) declaró este miércoles en alerta naranja (media) los pequeños poblados costeros ante el aumento del oleaje por el huracán Rina, que avanza hacia la península de Yucatán, a donde se espera arribe el jueves con ... Huracán Rina: declaran en alerta a pequeños poblados del Caribe de México

Telekommunikation: Android ist die Nummer eins im Smartphone-Markt

Telekommunikation: Android ist die Nummer eins im Smartphone-Markt London/Berlin (dpa) - Experten, die mit Zuversicht auf die Smartphone-Allianz von Nokia und Microsoft blicken, trauen ihnen die Rolle der «dritten Kraft» zu. Das heißt auch, auf die ersten beiden Positionen müssen sich der weltgrößte Handy-Bauer und ... Telekommunikation: Android ist die Nummer eins im Smartphone-Markt

Siliconware capital spending 11.5 billion yuan this year

Siliconware capital spending 11.5 billion yuan this year IC packaging and testing giant Siliconware Q3 capital spending NT $ 2.681 billion yuan, expected in the fourth quarter capital expenditure 3.05 billion yuan, is actively investing in high Maoli Jing chip size flip chip (FC-CSP) machine. 26 Central News Agency reported, Siliconware expected in the fourth quarter capital expenditure 3.05 billion yuan, 11.52 billion yuan this year, the scale of capital expenditure. Siliconware Chairman Lin Wenbo said the fourth quarter will be expanded Siliconware Investment FC-CSP process equipment ...Siliconware capital spending 11.5 billion yuan this year

巴基斯坦指责两架北约直升机越境 侵犯巴国领空

巴基斯坦指责两架北约直升机越境 侵犯巴国领空 中新网10月26日电 据外电报道,巴基斯坦官员26日指责两架北约直升机擅自进入巴基斯坦,侵犯了该国领空。 据报道,巴基斯坦一名没有透露姓名的军方官员对法新社表示,两架北约直升机当地时间凌晨2点左右进入巴基斯坦达 ... 巴基斯坦指责两架北约直升机越境 侵犯巴国领空

The central government allocated higher vocational schools, professional development grant funds 2 billion yuan

The central government allocated higher vocational schools, professional development grant funds 2 billion yuan To implement the "Long-term Education Reform and Development Plan (2010-2020)" The spirit, further support the professional development of higher vocational schools, higher vocational education services to enhance economic and social capacity, the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Education decided in 2011 to 2012 implementation of the "support of higher vocational schools to enhance the ...The central government allocated higher vocational schools, professional development grant funds 2 billion yuan


上海关区乳制品进口量呈现出前高后低 据上海海关昨天披露的数据,今年前3季度,上海关区累计进口乳制品14.9万吨,比去年同期增加25.9%;价值4.1亿美元,增长49.5%;进口平均价格为每吨2725.5美元,上涨18.7%。 一季度,上海关区乳制品进口量创下历史新高后,二 ... 上海关区乳制品进口量呈现出前高后低


广州上海等大城市灰霾天数已占全年30%至50% 受国务院委托,环境保护部部长周生贤25日向全国人大常委会报告环境保护工作情况。周生贤说,我国主要污染物减排任务十分艰巨,环境污染依然严重。周生贤表示,"十二五"期间,我国主要污染物减排指标由2项增加到4项,增加 ... 广州上海等大城市灰霾天数已占全年30%至50%

"Aboriginal Wonders" award today Niece changed the role of heart to get cool

"Aboriginal Wonders" award today Niece changed the role of heart to get cool October 26 at 14:00, 2D online games dressing Round "Aboriginal Romance" officially measured open edge flavor. Want to challenge the limits of what the pleasure of dressing? Want to experience the vibration of the underground palace of breathtaking fight it? Now on to "Shanhai Romance", in this mysterious continent Peak harvest their own fun! ..."Aboriginal Wonders" award today Niece changed the role of heart to get cool

印度:中国欲重塑世界秩序 必与印日争地区空间

印度:中国欲重塑世界秩序 必与印日争地区空间 亚洲正在见证其主要强国———中国、日本和印度———之间对地区战略空间的争夺,这些国家采取的一连串活动所瞄准的是曾经稳定如今却可能爆发冲突的东南亚地区。目前已是联合国安理会常任理事国的中国渴望成为超级 ... 印度:中国欲重塑世界秩序 必与印日争地区空间

Shenzhen Development 20 billion financial bonds to be issued

Shenzhen Development 20 billion financial bonds to be issued Shenzhen Development Bank (000001), China's Ping An (601318) 26, also announced, the company intends to develop deep in the territory in three years and / or overseas market share times the issuance of financial bonds issued by the funds raised will be used to complement the company's long-term funding to promote SME business development. The financial bonds to be issued can be divided into sub-issue, ...Shenzhen Development 20 billion financial bonds to be issued

中央提出整合有线电视网络 组建国家级广电公司

中央提出整合有线电视网络 组建国家级广电公司 中新网10月25日电 中共十七届六中全会通过的《中共中央关于深化文化体制改革推动社会主义文化大发展大繁荣若干重大问题的决定》今日公布。《决定》提出,要加强国际传播能力建设,打造国际一流媒体,提高新闻信息原创率 ... 中央提出整合有线电视网络 组建国家级广电公司

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