Tuesday, November 15, 2011
蒙蒂正式接受意大利总理提名 新政府将宣誓就职
资料图:当地时间11月13日,罗马,意大利新总理马里奥·蒙蒂与媒体记者见面。 当地时间11月13日,意大利总统纳波利塔诺与多个政党领导人举行紧急磋商后,正式任命前欧洲委员会官员、资深经济学家马里奥·蒙蒂为总理,负责 ... 蒙蒂正式接受意大利总理提名 新政府将宣誓就职
Imputan al exalcalde Díaz Helguera por un desfase de 24.000 euros en Castro
El Tribunal de Cuentas ha descubierto un desfase de 23.769 euros en el Ayuntamiento de Castro. Se trata del pago de una cantidad superior a la fijada en dos certificaciones de obra que se abonaron a la empresa Cenavi por la construcción del pabellón de ... Imputan al exalcalde Díaz Helguera por un desfase de 24.000 euros en Castro
Republic of Ireland goalkeeper Shay Given delighted to qualify for Euro 2012 ...
By Andrew Kennedy Republic of Ireland goalkeeper Shay Given is delighted to have qualified for next summer's Euro 2012 championships after they drew 1-1 against Estonia on Tuesday night to secure a 5-1 aggregate victory in their play-off clash. ... Republic of Ireland goalkeeper Shay Given delighted to qualify for Euro 2012 ...
US Grand Prix race in question
AP LONDON -- Formula One boss Bernie Ecclestone says the US Grand Prix could be removed from the 2012 calendar because construction of the Texas race track was halted. Ecclestone said Wednesday that a contract dispute with organizers must be settled by ... US Grand Prix race in question
Afghan Metrics Show Taliban Winning & Losing
The full metrics regarding the Afghan War have never been presented to the American, NATO or Afghan publics, thus permitting the unscrupulous on both sides (pro-war and anti-war) to argue their own dubious positions. Each side cherry-picks those ... Afghan Metrics Show Taliban Winning & Losing
Noel Gallagher Flies High at the Beacon
In the summer of 2009, backstage before headlining V-Festival in France, Oasis broke up. In a bitter fight between the band's two brothers, Liam and Noel Gallagher, Noel left the band and quit. Though this had happened before, this time he meant it. ... Noel Gallagher Flies High at the Beacon
Lincoln: convocan a una marcha mientras sigue la búsqueda de Tomás
El hecho se registró en las últimas horas. Sus familiares lo buscan intensamente luego de que, a la salida del colegio, el menor desapareciera. Más de 400 de policías de la zona rastrillan la ciudad y la zona rural. La marcha está prevista para esta ... Lincoln: convocan a una marcha mientras sigue la búsqueda de Tomás
Governo quer alterar legislação sobre sistemas de videovigilância
O governo prepara-se para alterar a legislação sobre a utilização dos sistemas de videovigilância. O objetivo é facilitar a aprovação das licenças e alargar a aplicação a áreas como o terrorismo ea deteção de incêndios florestais. ... Governo quer alterar legislação sobre sistemas de videovigilância
[17:40] 不分區名單 郁慕明:藍比綠好
(中央社記者蘇龍麒台北16日電)新黨主席郁慕明今天表示,中國國民黨不分區立委提名名單,可以看出國民黨希望改革的心意,名單也比民主進步黨的不分區立委提名名單來得好。 郁慕明表示,國民黨提出的名單,與新黨沒有關係,畢竟國民黨是執政黨,提出的名單是要與民進黨來 ... [17:40] 不分區名單 郁慕明:藍比綠好
16日欧洲时段,欧元兑美元跌至一个月新低,盘中报收于1.3500点,下跌0.0045点,因欧洲债券市场形势恶化打击了投资者对欧洲解决债务问题和欧元的信心。16日数据方面,欧元区10月消费者价格指数,美国10月消费者价格指数 ... 欧市16日欧元兑美元大幅回调
Bourses : la glissade continue, la crise s'étend
Toujours pénalisés par la crise des dettes en Europe, les marchés boursiers entament une nouvelle journée de baisse. Et l'annonce de la composition du nouveau gouvernement italien ne devrait pas parvenir à calmer les choses. ... Bourses : la glissade continue, la crise s'étend
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