
Friday, October 28, 2011

Paraguay asume Presidencia Pro Témpore de Unasur

Paraguay asume Presidencia Pro Témpore de Unasur Caracas, 29 Oct. AVN.- Este sábado, el presidente de Paraguay, Fernando Lugo, recibió la presidencia Pro Témpore de la Unión de Naciones Suramericanas (Unasur), cargo que desempeñará ese país hasta el año 2012. En una rueda de prensa realizada en ... Paraguay asume Presidencia Pro Témpore de Unasur

España y Portugal piden cooperar para contener crisis

España y Portugal piden cooperar para contener crisis Asunción, 29 de octubre.- España y Portugal dijeron el sábado que los problemas de deuda en la zona euro eran un asunto global, llamando a Estados Unidos ya otros miembros del G-20 a cooperar para contener la crisis. El jefe del Gobierno español, ... España y Portugal piden cooperar para contener crisis

"Victim" as Rooney sent a letter to UEFA pleading

"Victim" as Rooney sent a letter to UEFA pleading Xinhua News Agency, London, October 29 - 29, according to local media reports, the England striker was "chubby" Rooney Euro 2012 qualifier in foul and kicked behind the "victim" Montenegro has players Zhu Davidovich letter to UEFA, UEFA Rooney requested leniency. Held earlier this month, this group match, Wayne Rooney in the 73rd minute impulse, to defend his Montenegro ..."Victim" as Rooney sent a letter to UEFA pleading

Tennis: Roger Federer juge prématuré de prendre sa retraite

Tennis: Roger Federer juge prématuré de prendre sa retraite ZURICH (Reuters) - L'ancien numéro un mondial, Roger Federer, juge sa retraite prématurée et entend poursuivre sa carrière de joueur de tennis aussi longtemps que ses supporters continueront à le soutenir. Dans une interview accordée au "Basler ... Tennis: Roger Federer juge prématuré de prendre sa retraite

RueduCommerce fait l'objet d'une OPA amicale à 9 euros

RueduCommerce fait l'objet d'une OPA amicale à 9 euros ( -- Altacom, filiale d'Altarea Cogedim, a signé un accord avec Apax Partners et les actionnaires fondateurs Patrick Jacquemin et Gauthier Picquart, aux termes duquel Altacom s'est engagée à acquérir un bloc représentant 24,13% du capital ... RueduCommerce fait l'objet d'une OPA amicale à 9 euros

‧ dead woman jumped to cut veins on Xuan Fu: take care of each other with a roommate ‧ "Yue Qi did not engage in homosexual"

‧ dead woman jumped to cut veins on Xuan Fu: take care of each other with a roommate ‧ "Yue Qi did not engage in homosexual" (Selangor ‧ Petaling Jaya, 29 hearing) committed suicide woman's sister Fu Fu Yue Qi Xuan month, denied Yueqi relationship with female roommate is gay. She breaks today on behalf of the family home and Yue Qi roommate issued a joint statement, said the press reports of the past two days on the matter is purely speculation, her roommate with family and Yueqi family deeply regret. "We Yueqi out with her ​​roommate to share rent and get along, are ...‧ dead woman jumped to cut veins on Xuan Fu: take care of each other with a roommate ‧ "Yue Qi did not engage in homosexual"

[KS]'홈런왕' 최형우, KS 첫 홈런포 작렬!

[KS]'홈런왕' 최형우, KS 첫 홈런포 작렬! [정명의기자] 올 시즌 '홈런-타점왕' 삼성 라이온즈 최형우가 한국시리즈 첫 홈런포를 쏘아올렸다. 최형우는 29일 문학구장에서 열린 SK 와이번스와의 한국시리즈 4차전에 4번 좌익수로 선발 출장해 7회초 5-1로 달아나는 솔로홈런을 터뜨렸다. 자신의 한국시리즈 ... [KS]'홈런왕' 최형우, KS 첫 홈런포 작렬!

6waves Lolapps pulse acquisition excellent interactive social gaming business

6waves Lolapps pulse acquisition excellent interactive social gaming business IDG (Yuet Tung) October 29, Beijing time, according to foreign media reports, social and mobile games developer 6waves Lolapps has acquired social gaming company located in Beijing's superior pulse interaction (Smartron5). At present neither the specific amount of the deal publicly. ...6waves Lolapps pulse acquisition excellent interactive social gaming business

ประชาสั่งย้ายศปภ.ไปตึก ปตท. ถนนวิภาวดี

ประชาสั่งย้ายศปภ.ไปตึก ปตท. ถนนวิภาวดี เมื่อวันที่ 29 ต.ค. พล.ต.อ.ประชา พรหมนอก รัฐมนตรีว่าการกระทรวงยุติธรรม ในฐานะผู้อำนวยการศูนย์ปฏิบัติการช่วยเหลือผู้ประสบอุทกภัย (ศปภ.) มีคำสั่งให้ย้ายศูนย์ศปภ.ไปอยู่ที่อาคารเอนเนอร์ยี่ คอมเพล็กซ์ ในบริเวณเดียวกับบริษัทปตท. ... ประชาสั่งย้ายศปภ.ไปตึก ปตท. ถนนวิภาวดี

U Libiji demonstracije za uvođenje šerijatskog prava

U Libiji demonstracije za uvođenje šerijatskog prava BENGAZI - Više od 200 ljudi demonstriralo je danas u Bengaziju zahtevajući da šerijatsko pravo bude osnova budućeg ustava nove Libije posle levičarsko-diktatorskog režima Moamera Gadafija. "Kuran je osnova i naš ustav mora da se oslanja na šerijat", ... U Libiji demonstracije za uvođenje šerijatskog prava

Well-being of the village to better things (take the rank and knowledge)

Well-being of the village to better things (take the rank and knowledge) 20:00. Opening music sounded merrily, leaping high in a long row of fountains, colored lights decorated the huge water screen was light beautifully. Lake, water screen movie kicked off. Autumn weekend night, the reporter in the town of Dongyang City Garden Village Nanma auspicious lake, back country to experience a happy time. ...Well-being of the village to better things (take the rank and knowledge)

El Saló del Manga se entrega a los Samuráis

El Saló del Manga se entrega a los Samuráis Vuelven los guerreros samuráis. Por lo menos, al Saló del Manga. El popular certamen dedicado al cómic y la cultura japoneses abre hoy las puertas por última vez en el recinto de La Farga de L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, y lo hace dedicando parte de las ... El Saló del Manga se entrega a los Samuráis

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